"I have come that they might have life and have it to the full..." -John 10:10b

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

For Emily :)

So, I haven't been very bloggy lately, I know. Things have been busy. Paul's still on leave and we've been doing some traveling and just trying to enjoy the free time together. There are some big changes about to occur for our little family (No. I'm not preggo) and I've been really trying to savor each moment of familiarity before everything shifts.

That being said, I thought I would just share some pictures that I've taken over the last week or so. We went on a mini family ski vacation up to the mountains in Northern Virginia and had a blast spending time with our Cortez side of the family!

Here are some scenery pics from our drive home down Skyline Drive in Shenandoah Valley...


Skyline Drive


On the way home 2



Family Vacation

On the way home

And here are some of the Family...

Kim and Kyland set


Brianna set

Annette set

Eva set

Paul and Jake set

Tubing set

Mitch set

Izzy set
And last but not least, My honey...
My honey

Don't you love the angelic glow behind him? It's because he "light's up my life" (hehe).

2 comments on "For Emily :)"

Emily said...

Your photos are amazing! Thanks!

Katie on January 27, 2010 at 3:27 PM said...

I like how Paul is a walking billboard for all his favorite brands.