It's not all the way here yet, but you can feel it's cool breath waiting in the air.
I sat in my breakfast room this morning with the windows open and watched my white sailcloth curtains billow in the breeze.
Life is good.
1 comments on "Open Windows"
David Reed on September 9, 2009 at 7:35 PM
We had our kitchen window open tonight and talked about how much we loved the smell of the outside...actually I said that...Katie said, "I love the smell of baked goods." At the time she was making pancake muffins for breakfast tomorrow, so I guess she gets a pass. :)
Hi! I'm what one might consider an "older millennial" who grew up in the evangelical church. I had a promise ring and was courted and went to all the youth conferences and listened to all of the popular Christian bands of the 90's and early 2000's. And while so many great things came out of that, so did a lot of hurt and confusion. You too?
I've spent the last 15 years of my life deconstructing some of those old beliefs. I knew there had to be something greater to my faith than a sense of shame and obligation. And now, as I raise my two daughters alongside my husband, I want them to experience the freedom and joy of being a Christ follower.
If you've felt shacked by Christianity, you're not alone. Join me as we untangle the lies of legalism from the truth of the Gospel.
1 comments on "Open Windows"
We had our kitchen window open tonight and talked about how much we loved the smell of the outside...actually I said that...Katie said, "I love the smell of baked goods." At the time she was making pancake muffins for breakfast tomorrow, so I guess she gets a pass. :)
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